IELTS Model Answer

Question: Some people believe that entertainers are more important than scientists. Support the reasons and examples from your experience.

Answer: It is the choice that people make between good and popular. Some people love to be associated with their famous figures, such as sportspersons, comedians, actors, and others. However, there is a school of thought which believes that contributions of scientists are as good as other popular figures. This essay takes a neutral stance on both types of heroes.

There are several reasons why the contributions of great scientists cannot be ignored, to begin with. Humankind has evolved from an early primitive stage to the glitter of this modern world. Scientists have strived untiringly to make our life easier and comfortable in every walk of life. For example, we would have been roaming to hunt animals to feed ourselves and died this way had there been no inventions or innovations. Furthermore, scientists are instrumental in making this world a better place to live. 

On the flip side, entertainers have a different role to play when compared. Our day-to-day life works on happiness, passion, emotion, stress, and other psychological triggers. These entertainers give a reason for a smile on the face. People are stressed from their nine-to-five jobs, and they find solace and blitheness when they watch their entertainers doing their roles. 

In my opinion, it is a battle between popularity and good. Entertainers are closer to the hearts of people as they are generally more covered on television, the internet, newspapers, and magazines. While scientists live with us daily, but they are hidden and unidentified behind the curtains. A classic example is that the youth gravitate more to Tom Cruise than Albert Einstein. 

In conclusion, it is indeed entertainers are more remembered and loved than scientists. Both have specific roles in our lives, but the latter is, at times, unfortunate to receive lesser honor and recognition in society. (297 words)

2 thoughts to “IELTS Model Answer”

  1. Well written analyzed and explained with real experience.
    Though, i have a doubt, we were told in training from BC not to take partially agree opinion. Is it okay to take neutal stand?

  2. Sir, somewhere i read that,we have to raise a question in introduction also put a keywords of our arguments.
    Can you post a sample answer of this format??
    So that,i can understand clearly.

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